To Report Child Abuse

Nebraska: 1 (800) 652-1999
Iowa: 1 (800) 362-2178

To Contact Us

(402) 595-1326
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
After hours by appointment only

One Gift, A Lifetime Investment

Meet your personal financial goals while making a difference for our future.

By including Project Harmony in your estate plan, you leave a legacy for future generations impacted by abuse and trauma to experience hope and healing through preventative and treatment programs.

View a downloadable PDF of legacy giving options.

Legacy Giving Options

The following are some ways to redirect your taxes to benefit your family and Project Harmony, investing in a safe and promising future for all children.

Beneficiary Designation Gifts

You can designate Project Harmony as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy.

Read more about beneficiary designation gifts.


You designate Project Harmony as the beneficiary of your asset by will, trust or beneficiary designation form.

Read more about bequests.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a transaction in which an individual transfers cash or property to Project Harmony in exchange for our promise to make fixed annuity payments to the donor and, if desired, a beneficiary during their lifetime.

Read more about charitable gift annuities.

Charitable Lead Trust

With this type of gift, you irrevocably transfer assets to a charitable lead trust. The trustee makes an annual distribution from the trust to Project Harmony for a set number of years. When the trust terminates, the assets in the trust are distributed to your heirs or others that you designate.

Read more about charitable lead trusts.

Gift & Bequest

A gift and bequest is a combination of a current gift and a charitable gift made in your will or trust. It is an easy way to support Project Harmony today and make a lasting future impact.

Read more about gifts and bequests.

IRA Rollover

If you are 70½ or older, an IRA charitable rollover is a way you can help continue our work and benefit this year and in future years.

Read more about IRA rollovers.

Gifts of Real Estate & Tangible Property

Project Harmony accept gifts of real estate and other property subject to approval by Project Harmony’s Board of Directors.

Read more about gifts of real estate.

If you have included or intend to include Project Harmony in your estate plans, please notify us by filling out our non-binding Legacy Giving Intent Form. We will then be able to acknowledge your intentions and recognize your gift.

Information provided on this page is general and educational in nature. It is not intended to be nor should be construed as legal or tax advice.

Contact Us

Inquiries about Legacy Giving may be directed to Amy Chisholm, Chief Development Officer, at or by phone at 531-301-5002. You may also fill out the contact form below.

We wish to thank you for your hospitality and the wonderful program and tour of Project Harmony. We are so fortunate to have an organization acting on the behalf of our children with such outstanding enthusiasm and dedication.

- Rotary Club of Omaha Northwest

You are part of the solution.

The cycle of abuse does not have to continue, but we can’t end it alone. Anyone has the power to be someone who makes our community a safe place for all children.

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