The Hope Champions Network—led by Project Harmony—is a flourishing community of hope-filled individuals who are defining, teaching, and applying hope science within their spheres of influence. This coursework will prepare you to teach others about hope science using professionally designed and copyrighted training materials created by Project Harmony. We welcome you to become a Hope Champion Trainer who can help leaders and community members make connections between hope science and organizational initiatives.
Project Harmony’s train-the-trainer method will equip future trainers to deliver four 2-hour courses to inspire hope within their own communities:
Trauma and Resilience
Empathic Strain and Self-Care
Building Hope in Yourself and Others
Using Hope Science to Drive Outcomes
Once trained, Hope Champions Network members gain access to ongoing support such as:
A monthly electronic communication which may include future invitations, peer testimonials, research, resource recommendations, gifts, surveys, coaching, and inspiration.
A quarterly network zoom call.
Four (4) coaching calls with a Project Harmony Training Specialist to review course content and application scenarios specific to your sphere of influence.
The opportunity to share requests for the development of additional training content.
We look forward to partnering with you—as a fellow professional—to train-up future Hope Champions who can inspire others to apply hope science within their own sphere of influence one person at a time.
Participants will be able to:
- Define trauma, resiliency and state how they impact behavior
- Define, measure and build hope in themselves and others
- Articulate the relationship between hope and trauma