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Back to School: Is there too much pressure?

Children approach the beginning of the new school year with all kinds of feelings – and so do parents. As parents, we feel like we need to push, inspire, or motivate our children to make a fresh start..

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Children approach the beginning of the new school year with all kinds of feelings – and so do parents.  As parents, we feel like we need to push, inspire, or motivate our children to make a fresh start — a new opportunity to excel.  Maybe it’s in the classroom, on the athletic field, in peer/social situations, or in music/drama performances.  Some kids are great at repelling these messages and others really take it to heart – maybe more than we had intended.

  • Think of the child who worries excessively: “What if I am not good enough?”  “What if I lose?”  “What if my teacher gets mad at me?”
  • Or the child who seems to be too hard on him/herself – staying up late to prepare for a test and ending up too tired in the morning to do well:  “I am dumb; I am a failure; I can never do anything right.”
  • Or the shy child who auditions for the school play… and doesn’t get chosen: “Nobody likes me; everyone laughed at me; I just want to disappear.”

If there is a child in your life who sounds like this, you probably have had moments of concern, especially when there appears to be significant emotional distress.  What can you do?

American culture tends to value individual achievements; and to attribute personal success to extraordinary efforts — not so much to the people who help us; or the circumstances that work in our favor.  In some ways, there is nothing wrong with success on a test or a winning race.  However, when the messages are amplified and intensified, a child can begin to feel a real sense of burden, turning inward to ask, “What’s wrong with me?”  Instead of outward to ask, “Who can help me?”

So how do we know if there is a problem?

Self-talk is a term borrowed from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).  It is the internal dialogue one has about a situation or dilemma.   Sometimes, it is literally talking aloud – we might hear our children say things like: “I’m a failure” or “Nobody likes me”.  Maybe they aren’t talking at all but you notice the outward manifestations:  tears, stomach aches, reluctance to go to school, trouble sleeping.

“The first step is to listen for self-talk – or to elicit it if you are not hearing it,” says Project Harmony Director of Mental Health Joanna Halbur.   “Find a quiet time to explore.  The ride home from school, working in the kitchen side by side, or the quiet time before bed are good opportunities.  Self-talk gives us clues to how the child has made sense of what’s happening, or in what ways he/she is stuck with an overly negative, critical, or irrational explanation.”

“The next step is a little more difficult,” says Halbur.  “Look for ways to help the child calm down so they can think more clearly and in balance with their emotions.”

Do not try to talk the child out of their negative expressions; or cheer them up.  Listen carefully for understanding.   Say it back.  “Here’s what I’m hearing.  Am I right?”

Then, help the child to evaluate the self-talk statements.  Test their accuracy and look for exceptions.   Could it be true that NO ONE likes you?  Are you sure you are dumb about everything?  In CBT we have a term called HOTHelpful Other Thoughts.  It’s an invitation used to revise some of the negative self-talk, substituting more adaptive and effective words of encouragement: “I can do OK with math if I slow down and do all the steps.”  Create reminders and encouragements to the child using helpful other thoughts.

Finally, listen to your own self-talk, your inner and outer dialogue as a parent or caregiver to this child.  Parenting expert Peggy O’Mara has said, “The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice.”  Do you need to revise or tone down your messages, especially for the child who is sensitive, and who may be feeling a far stronger impact of your words?   It’s great to challenge our kids, striving for excellence.  Help them find their internal “mojo” – to feel it as something they can activate, rather than needing the constant “push” from a parent or teacher.   This school year try to keep an eye on the pressure gauge.

We wish to thank you for your hospitality and the wonderful program and tour of Project Harmony. We are so fortunate to have an organization acting on the behalf of our children with such outstanding enthusiasm and dedication.

- Rotary Club of Omaha Northwest

Thank you so much for coming to Children’s and speaking to our staff. Your talk on “Understanding Poverty” was excellent, and I could see “wheels turning” as some staff members commented on simple ways their interactions might make a difference for children and parents.

- Patty Carrell, CMSW

I have felt that my input has been highly valued and respected when it comes to doing my job, and that is something that speaks volumes to the working environment here at Project Harmony.

- Brenda Jewell

We began collaborating with the Project Harmony through their Connections program last year, and we’ve continued the partnership. Connections represents an extremely valuable partnership and an opportunity to provide our students with a bridge to mental health services.

- Papillion La Vista Community Schools

Our experience and partnership with Project Harmony/Connections has been fantastic! It is a comfort knowing we have a partner who can connect our students and families with the appropriate resources in times of crisis or trauma.

- Millard Public Schools

This shadowing experience actually made me very interested in this field. One aspect that helped me narrow my choice of careers is the environment that Project Harmony had. It was very upbeat, cheerful and bright.

- UNMC High School Alliance Program – Student Journal

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Project Harmony for planning and delivering professional development to our 70 counselors, social workers and community counselors. We feel fortunate to have such a valuable resource in our community to partner with.

- Millard Public Schools

You have a top rate program – really national quality. I’m totally impressed.

- Lisa Fontes

At our last D2 Center Board meeting, I was describing the training and professional development we provide for our staff. At the top of the list was Project Harmony. Please know that you are providing an invaluable service to nonprofits in our community.

- Greg Emmel

Congratulations on the great media coverage of your Stewards class at Project Harmony on WOWT. You did a great job articulating the importance of prevention, and Susan was amazing too. Thank you so much for your partnership and all the important work you are doing.

- Cindy McElhinney – Darkness to Light

Just wanted to know that you made a difference in my life, and I will be using that momentum to make a difference in the lives of others. You are truly a rock star and a role model for me. Thank you for a new life I’m getting the chance to live.

- Anonymous

Many children through my caseload have received a backpack generously donated to the Project Harmony Triage Center. I have witnessed many faces light up when given the opportunity to pick out a new backpack, and I am very grateful for the generosity of the Junior League.

- DHHS – Children & Family Services

I have never felt as valued at other organizations like I do at Project Harmony. I really feel that the culture of a working environment is incredibly important. If an employee feels respected, valued and supported, that person will likely give more to fulfill the mission.

- Javier Castellote

Nick and Javier were great teachers and role players. It gave us an opportunity to see how someone in that situation would have reacted to our questions. They did a great job at showing us the difference between sympathy and empathy.

- Anonymous

I was able to shadow Mr. Nick Zadina. He was in charge of dealing with abused kids and help them. I am thankful to know all the information I learned during shadowing because it was eye opening.

- UNMC High School Alliance Program – Student Journal

The experience at Project Harmony was a deepening reminder of empathy that will be vital in my career as a nurse. I felt my perspective was widened on how others think, especially when discussing the assumptions we make.

- Anonymous

I didn’t know how many people work at Project Harmony, so I drew a lot to show how much Project Harmony means to me!

- Project Harmony Client

As difficult as a removal is on a child, the backpack they receive at Project Harmony provides a sense of belonging and hope. It truly is amazing something that seems so simple can change the perspective and shine light on these children.

- DHHS – Children & Family Services

Great leadership for a wonderful cause with outstanding long-term goals. Keep on doing all the good you do.

- Bill & Jean O’Conner

Project Harmony is the reason I started my journey in college. I just finished my associates and I'm going for my bachelors now in Child Protection and Juvenile Justice. Y'all helped my daughter back in early 2013 and I knew what I wanted to do with my life — help children.

- LaLa Ann

A young lady who works in our field told me that she loved what we do here at Project Harmony — she had been to Project Harmony seven years ago for a forensic interview. She said her positive experience was the biggest reason she is doing the work that she is today.

- Trainee

I found out that my foster son is going to have a forensic interview here at Project Harmony soon. It’s been interesting being on the other side of things and feeling so reassured that the child I care so deeply about is in very caring and capable hands.

- Jessica Kroeker

Nick demonstrated how one person could impact a huge group of student nurses by just attending his presentation. He gave me the reason, the courage to act, and the knowledge how to save victims that I will face in my future nursing career.

- Anonymous

I recently attended the Testifying Training course. Since that class I have been subpoenaed three times, and I had to testify at each hearing. Without this class I would have been less than prepared and too nervous to be credible. Thank you so much!

- Jenny Lewis

You are part of the solution.

The cycle of abuse does not have to continue, but we can’t end it alone. Anyone has the power to be someone who makes our community a safe place for all children.

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